2017 - present
2017 - present
ΣΥΝΑΡΣΕ (synapse) is a creative duo comprised of myself and Lilu Einstein, who began collaborating in 2017 and primarily focus on the exploration of the body’s inner space, the influence this has on relationships, interconnectedness and shared environments. We cultivate and create through a hybrid process of "inhabitation" and digital practices.
We are drawn to multilayered, participatory, process-based work, favoring a non-hierarchical approach, in which each organism and phenomena are radically acknowledged as part of a whole; supporting and encouraging intercommunication.
In 2022, we launched Meetings with the Body, a Haifa Museums community-based project. Participants included local community members, artists, and museum staff. The 9-month project provided a welcoming space for the real-time exploration of different systems within the body and a practice of TRE® (detailed in the proposal). It culminated in an exhibition of specially processed works that used video and software to translate participants’ tremors and experiences into unique visual representations.
We are drawn to multilayered, participatory, process-based work, favoring a non-hierarchical approach, in which each organism and phenomena are radically acknowledged as part of a whole; supporting and encouraging intercommunication.
In 2022, we launched Meetings with the Body, a Haifa Museums community-based project. Participants included local community members, artists, and museum staff. The 9-month project provided a welcoming space for the real-time exploration of different systems within the body and a practice of TRE® (detailed in the proposal). It culminated in an exhibition of specially processed works that used video and software to translate participants’ tremors and experiences into unique visual representations.
Top left video screen: 'Intersection' by Tair Zargary and Lilu Einstein shot in Haifa Bottom right video screen:
'Axes' by Dani Williamson sourced from archival videos in the public domain // 'aXes' was created by feeding data from the live tremors in 'Intersection' into maxMSP where the x and y data coordinates influenced the cuts between two separate video tracks. The tremors themselves in this sense function as the primary editor of 'aXes'.
Collective Artistic Activity
10 December 2023 - Queer Futures Writing Lab: High/Low
26 March 2023 - Queer Futures Writing Lab: Motion/Stillness
Feb - Sep 2023 - Axes/Intersection, video-installation/performance, group exhibition, Arts Center Haifa
2022 - Meetings with the Body, a Haifa Museums community-based project
2022-ongoing - Full Moon Meetings; monthly research meetings at the junction of art/anatomy/community
2017- Orvim Ensemble - "Kadam" music video
10 December 2023 - Queer Futures Writing Lab: High/Low
26 March 2023 - Queer Futures Writing Lab: Motion/Stillness
Feb - Sep 2023 - Axes/Intersection, video-installation/performance, group exhibition, Arts Center Haifa
2022 - Meetings with the Body, a Haifa Museums community-based project
2022-ongoing - Full Moon Meetings; monthly research meetings at the junction of art/anatomy/community
2017- Orvim Ensemble - "Kadam" music video