Lavatorial Connections Series
Derek Dadian-Smith
Derek Dadian-Smith
The bathroom is a funny place. Everyone does pretty much the same stuff in there. And yet . . . what do other people do in there?? Rarely are you in a private bathroom at the same time as someone else. But we all, you know . . . put our bare butts on the same surface.
The three pieces in this exhibition attempt to bring attention to lavatorial connections. For Towel Exchange, two bath towels have crossed the country to make guest appearances in each other's home.
Over time, Squares Placed According to the Laws of Nature will become a little stack of (s)hi(t)story. And it gives you a chance to interact indirectly with other patrons of the loo, connecting you through time.
Selfie was shot in my bathroom in Saint Louis, and is being projected (for your pleasure, *wink*) in this one. A private act becomes public (which isn't so much of a big deal in the age of tweeted, barely-clothed selfies). Meanwhile, anyone using my bathroom will now shudder knowing what a twisted display of narcissism and self-deprecation took place there. But, hey, maybe they already did.
Shittily yours,
Derek Dadian-Smith
All three pieces were created specifically for this exhibition (August 10 to September 13, 2014)
The three pieces in this exhibition attempt to bring attention to lavatorial connections. For Towel Exchange, two bath towels have crossed the country to make guest appearances in each other's home.
Over time, Squares Placed According to the Laws of Nature will become a little stack of (s)hi(t)story. And it gives you a chance to interact indirectly with other patrons of the loo, connecting you through time.
Selfie was shot in my bathroom in Saint Louis, and is being projected (for your pleasure, *wink*) in this one. A private act becomes public (which isn't so much of a big deal in the age of tweeted, barely-clothed selfies). Meanwhile, anyone using my bathroom will now shudder knowing what a twisted display of narcissism and self-deprecation took place there. But, hey, maybe they already did.
Shittily yours,
Derek Dadian-Smith
All three pieces were created specifically for this exhibition (August 10 to September 13, 2014)